Value Targets





 (click to enlarge)


The Value Targets are economic actors that receive products (goods & services) from the organization.

There are 2 different statuses for Value Targets:

  • Customers: receiving value and paying the organization
  • Beneficiaries: receiving value without paying the organization

In the frame of the Bm2, "Customers" and "Beneficiaries" are understood as segments.

"Customers" and "Beneficiary" are status, not identities (for instance, a beneficiary for a given value stream can also be a supplier or a contributor for a different one).


(click on the following elements for more details)

> Customers

By definition, in the Bm2 framework, the Customers are the actors who pay the organization. In other words, Customers are the actors the organization gets its revenues from. Revenues are understood in a broad sense (not in an accounting sense), as cash inflows.



Customers (segments) may:

  • be unique or multiple,
  • consist in several entities or in a unique entity,
  • be linked to the organization or independent,
  • be part of a stable or unstable market,
  • ...



Customers (segments) may be:

  • Income Customers (actors paying for products delivered by the organization, including assets),
  • Financing Customers (actors paying for the issuance of debt or equity),
  • legal entities or individuals,
  • large or small entities,
  • public or private entities,
  • ...



Customers (segments) may: 

  • be homogeneous or heterogeneous in terms of needs,
  • be recipients of a single or several value propositions,
  • be intermediary recipients or end recipients of the products,
  • require a tailored or standard value proposition,
  • require a unique or multiple distribution channels,
  • benefit exclusively from the organization, or also from other ones to fulfill the same needs,
  • have strong or weak negotiation power,
  • be concentrated or not in terms of income or financing for the organization,
  • be locked-in or not,
  • be one-time or recurrent customers,
  • be source of high or low risks,
  • also be contributors or not,
  • ...


> Beneficiaries

By definition, in the Bm2 framework, the Beneficiaries are the actors receive products (goods & services) from the organization, without paying it with money.



Beneficiaries (segments) may:

  • be unique or multiple,
  • consist in several entities or in a unique entity,
  • be linked to the organization or independent,
  • be part of a stable or unstable market,
  • ...



Beneficiaries (segments) may be:

  • legal entities or individuals,
  • large or small entities,
  • public or private entities,
  • ...



Beneficiaries (segments) may be (in addition to the possible characteristics defined for Customers):

  • Customers of the organization's customers (ex: consumers for Nestlé, as customers of supermarkets),
  • Complementors of the customers' business (ex: software editors for Microsoft),
  • Dependent on the customers (babies for Unilever's diapers, depending on the parents),
  • Influencing the customers (kids for Lego toys, influencing the parents),
  • Commending the customers (ex: client commending a contractor in the construction industry),
  • Independent from the customers (ex: viewers for NBC, independent from advertisers),
  • ...





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